How does oak blossom? A powerful, strong tree actually blooms gently and affectionately. Against the background of powerful branches, flower earrings look especially vulnerable.

How the oak blossoms - photo

How the oak blossoms – photo?

About the colors of oak …

The flowers are small, same-sex: male and female on the same tree. Female flowers are bundles or catkins, male flowers are hanging long catkins.

How the oak blossoms - photo


At the base of female flowers, a lot of scaly leaves are formed, sitting on a ringed roller, this is an overgrown receptacle

How the oak blossoms - photo

When the fruit ripens, the roller with scales grows and from it a plus is formed, the future hat for the acorn.

How the oak blossoms - photo


During fruit ripening, a single-seeded fruit is obtained with a strong leathery pericarp, a well-known acorn.

How the oak blossoms - photo


How the oak blossoms - photo

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