How does willow blossom? Familiar to almost everyone! Touching and cute photos, early spring greetings!
How does willow blossom (English), как цветет верба (русс), як цвіте верба (укр), Verba çiçəkləri necədir (azərb), як цвіце вярба (беларускі),как цъфти върбата (Български), hogyan virágzik a fűz (Magyar), πώς ανθίζει η ιτιά (ελληνικά), cómo florece el sauce (español), come fiorisce il salice (italiano), 柳如何开花(中国),wie die Weide blüht (Deutsch)

The flowers of pussy willow photos – how does willow blossom? Catkin photo 1
The flowers of pussy willow photos – how does willow blossom?
The word catkin is a loanword from the Middle Dutch katteken, meaning “kitten” (compare also German Kätzchen). This name is due either to the resemblance of the lengthy sorts of catkins to a kitten’s tail, or to the fine fur found on some catkins.

The flowers of pussy willow photos – how does willow blossom? Catkin photo 2
A catkin or ament is a slim, cylindrical flower cluster (a spike), with inconspicuous or no petals, usually wind-pollinated (anemophilous) but sometimes insect-pollinated (as in Salix)

The flowers of pussy willow photos – how does willow blossom? Catkin photo 3
Willows are dioecious, with male and female flowers appearing as catkins on separate plants; the catkins are produced early in the spring, often before the leaves.

The flowers of pussy willow photos – how does willow blossom? Catkin photo 4
Catkin-bearing plants include many other trees or shrubs such as birch, willow, hickory, sweet chestnut and sweetfern (Comptonia).

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The flowers of pussy willow photos – how does willow blossom? Catkin photo 14
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